silly bites

ninja skilz

i totally ran 5 miles on saturday.  it was great.   i wish i had some super cool trauma to report, but the morning was pretty calm. 

even though the run did not bring the drama, something did happened that was really random and just may be my undoing!  so, all of you that enjoy my suffering–  just wait.  it’s coming.

i reconnected with a peep  i met last summer on the trail. 

(when i say “met” i really mean “distracted” when i raised the roof and threw a few ooooo OOOOOO’s  her way every time we ran past each other). 

i was threading my car key through my shoelace when i spotted her–

i was all, “hi!  remember me?!”

and, she was all, “yeah!  you haven’t been here since last summer!”

and, i was all, “dude!  why you gotta call a sistah out like that, DANG!”

but, i let it go–   i understand that some running folks don’t fully embrace my philosophy of a six month rest period after a race.  whatever.

then she was all, “you’re tracey, right?”

i was all, “yeah!  WOW!  great memory!  and, your name is becky….. christy……”

and, she was all, “no.  i’m mary.”

then i lamely chuckled and said, “huh.  that was my next guess.”

but, she let it go.  because CLEARLY this woman has super ninja name-remembering skilz that i don’t possess–  how else would she  remember my name after  i yelled it out one time, 6 months ago, while i was running by her.   it’s pretty obvious i cannot be faulted for mary being a name ninja. 

after the total name fail i changed the subject real quick.  i asked her if she ran all year long.


she only STOPS  running  if the temperature drops below 20 degrees.

that is hardcore ‘skillets.  seriously.

then, i heard myself saying something INSANE.

i was all, “awesome!  do you think i could jump into your runs after the half marathon so i can stay on track?”

and, then the {name ninja/never takes a break girl} or ‘MARY’ was all, “sure.  but, what do i get out of the deal?”

then, no lie, i waved my hands all vanna white-style from the top of my head to my feet and said, “you get to run with all of this.”

thankfully, mary  let the comment slide, without pointing and laughing at me.

which made me think–  maybe i have ninja skilz of my own.

super-mad skilz that keep me from getting mocked when i make ridiculous statements.

but, seriously.  all ninja-ness aside.  let’s address the crazy situation my spontaneous response has gotten me into–  i’m now committed to running all year long.


let the pain and suffering commence!

silly bites

a bottle of wine and a full length mirror

i was suppose to run 5 miles saturday.  i planned on running outside and early.  instead, i ran 3 miles– late in the afternoon, on a treadmill.  i was foiled by a late night and a bottle of wine.

guess what— a night of wine consumption makes me sluggish, and it makes my head hurt, and it makes running not so fun.

so.  there i was.  nursing dehydration and slug-like tendencies.  i knew i had to get some kind of run in, but even thinking about running outside, in the sun, made me want to blow chunks.  which left me with no choice, i was gonna have to do a treadmill run–  in front of a WALL of mirror.

i thought running was painful BEFORE??

guess what—  seeing my reflection added a new dimension to the trauma.

mirrors are mean. seriously.

i’ve decided mirrors are rude, and any mirror of a super-sized nature is NOT my homeskillet.  fo’ realz.

see.  that rude reflector of truth shattered my last shred of runner dignity.  it made it very clear i look completely wack when i run.

i mean, i don’t intentionally go for freaky, but  that mean mirror made it clear that the combination of my unique breathing technique to avoid the dreaded side-stitch, and the freestyle hand movements i use to punctuate the music piped in through my m&m ear-buds kinda keeps all potential cool points at bay.   (yes.  i have blue m&m ear-buds.  no.  they are NOT taking off cool points all by themselves.  seriously.)

here’s the thing–  when i run outside i can at least pretend i look cool.  in my head i look AWESOME.  i’m all hardcore and serious.  i am an athlete with athletic skills and stuff.  and with one run that darn mirror killed my dream.  that mirror is a dream killer.

i tried to tweak my moves — you know to match the dream with reality.  i pulled myself up straight–   to lessen the defeated, downtrodden look my normal posture portrays.  i tucked my arms in tight–  to lessen the bird flap quality i didn’t know existed until that mirror killed my fantasy.  i tried putting more of a bounce in my stride–  so i didn’t look so dejected.  also super cool— my wide head band made my head look incredibly tiny.  which made my body look freakishly off  balance.  awesome.

shrunken head syndrome.

not good.

just sayin’.

so.  the first attempt to get a long run in was a total fail.  but, i did learn an important lesson– a bottle of wine and a full length mirror should be cut completely out of my training regimen.

silly bites

baby, i was born to run…

Oh honey, tramps like us
baby we were born to run

Come on with me, tramps like us
baby we were born to run


bring on the pain

that’s right, homeskillets–  it’s time to start training for the half marathon.

it’s time to bring the pain for a t-shirt.

it’s time for the blisters.

and the tears.

and the trail.

and the possible potty mishap!

it’s time.  to RUN. 

and, to teach the road who’s BOSS….

Oh honey, tramps like us
baby we were born to run

Come on with me, tramps like us
baby we were born to run


silly bites, soul full bites

the day of turkey and pumpkin pie is upon us…


here's the word-- tom's a bird!!!!

and with said day about a week away i feel it’s appropriate to make a list of some of the things i’m thankful for:

  1. we are all made for a certain time and purpose.

    i am thankful for vacuums, washing machines, in-door plumbing, and central heat and air.  i took a bible study last summer on the book of Esther and i came away KNOWING each of us is born at the appropriate time to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in our world–  still not sure what my role for Christ looks like, but God knew i’d need some plumbing and air conditioning to get the job done.  pioneer woman i am not.  can i get a HOLLA??!!

  2. i am thankful for random moments of clarity during my stint as a mommy.  most of the time i have no idea what i’m doing and i’m amazed that i’ve kept 2 helpless humans alive for 7 and 3 1/2 year respectively (with the help of a wonderful wingman, of course)–  but, there are brief moments when God clears away my self-centered fog and shows me HOW BLESSED i am.  He has allowed me the opportunity to encourage and love 2 awesome boys, and He covers my mistakes by reminding me i’m not suppose to do this thing called “motherhood” exactly right— because if i did my boys wouldn’t need HIM.
  3. worth the pain

    i am thankful for running, super-fit ‘skillets, mile markers, stinky shoes, weird trail people, and a finish line.  i completed a half marathon in october, and i am so glad i did!  it was the most taxing thing i’ve ever willingly put my body through–  i mean i VOLUNTARILY ran a very long way for a t-shirt.  that.ain’t.right. but, i learned so much just by getting up and putting one foot in front of the other– i learned  i am only as strong as i believe i am,  i’m only as capable as i believe i am, and the Lord is always with me cheering me on.  i also learned i’m a very, very, very slooooooow ‘skilletHOLLA!!

  4. i am thankful for a super bad haircut–  a haircut SOOOOOOO bad  it sent me into a funk.  that’s right.  the hairs on my head were cut into an unflattering fashion recently–  and, this upset my delicate nature.  that’s how deep i am.  jealous? here’s the thing–  bad haircuts have happened in the past, but this one really got to me.  i thought i clearly communicated the hair style  i wanted, but walked out of the salon looking
    picture these bangs with a carol brady flip... awesome.

    like a cross between jim carrey in dumb and dumber and carol brady from the brady bunch—  surprisingly, not a good look for me.  i left  feeling unattractive–  and, more importantly out of control that scared me.   i realized i have control over nothing—  not even the hairs on my head.   i say i get this.   i say i believe and trust in The One who knows the number of hairs on my head and holds me in the palm of His hand–  but, it took an unfortunate mullet to make me understand there are areas in my life  I haven’t fully given over to Christ. clearly, this homeskillet has a lot to learn–   i’m very thankful my teacher is patient!

silly bites, soul full bites

the happy hour phenomenon

so.  this saturday i ran 4 miles.

do whatcha gotta do

i really wish i could have ran with my super-fit skillets–  they participated in a 10k.  but, due to financial difficulties–  i had to sit out.

a morning with no skillets equaled putting on my big girl panties, and heading out for a solo run.  the good news– i’m getting better with the idea of being solo on the trail.

(LOOK!  i’m maturing and stuff!)

since i was footloose and skillet-free– i got up a little later than usual, and i was surprised at the difference an hour makes in the peeps partaking of the trail.

super cool phenom!

i have decided to call it the happy hour phenomenon.

first of all– everyone is AWAKE (evidently an extra hour of sleep makes a big difference when it comes to this).  i bet they totally had a cup of coffee before leaving the house.  they definitely looked caffienated.

just one of the super slow pairs i smoked

secondly– no one walks alone during happy hour. i saw husbands and wives, young, peppy cheerleaders, old friends, new friends, dogs and their humans– all different ages, and sizes.

these peeps were just out on a beautiful morning–  sharing time and moving their bodies.  there was definitely less walking and more talking going on.

and, to my delight–  i found when caffeinated people pair up and talk–  their gabbing slows them down immensely and i can pass them ALL.

i felt very cool– like a total runner.

numero trois —  EVERYONE is really chipper during happy hour! every peep i passed had time to say, “holla”,  wave, or give the tiny head nod that is also acceptable passing etiquette on the trail.  it was great to have so much interaction!

i mean, don’t get me wrong–   i’ve got my skillets that throw out an occasional “ooo OOO”—  but on the whole everyone is doin’ their thing.  tryin’ to reach their goal.  they’re serious.  the trail is serious.

slow and steady-- enjoys the journey

the happy hour peeps are MUCH more relaxed. in all honesty–   fitness goals didn’t seem high on their agenda–  neither was exertion or sweat.

from what i saw– these peeps were pretty much wandering around with water bottles with no real purpose or plan–  and, they were totally okay with that.  they were truly just in the moment, and really proud of the fact they had decided to start their day in the sunshine– moving.

it made me realize– i might finish the race faster, but the happy hour crowd has something i’ve been missing since i started running.

joy in the moment.

by slowing down and sharing their lives– the happy hour peeps understand what’s GREAT about the trail– it’s the journey.

soul full bites

waiting for me

so.   i finished 9 miles–  and i’m happy to report God gave me just enough strength to have a tear-free experience.

God’s strength came in the form of a shiny, new homeskillet.  she deserves a great big holla for my positive experience.

this new ‘skillet was invited to join our running posse at the last minute–and even though we are strangers–  i have been praying for her to join us since the day training started.

i’m used to my super-fit ‘skillets being waaaaaay out in front of me–  and at times i lose sight of them on the trail.  this is expected–  they are faster. watching them move on without me has been a challenge, but i know they’re always waiting for me at the end of the run.

at the end i have my ‘skillets–  but in the middle there’s just me.



it’s kinda not fun running alone.

see–  i’m a girl who loooooves her some ‘skillet time–  talking to my girls gives me energy.

so.  i’ve been praying for God to bring someone alongside me–

“i can’t do this alone, Lord.  i NEED to talk, Lord.  i mean, have you met me!!??   of course you have–  you made me this way.  you know what i need.

what i need is to be in bed.

it’s early, LORD.   sooooooo stinkin’ early in the a.m. — i mean really.   dear Lord.  i haven’t had coffee or a sugary substance of any kind.  sweet Lord. could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help a sista out–  and, throw a slow ‘skillet my way?”

God heard my selfish plea, and He could have answered at any time.

i forget sometimes....

but,  He waited for me to understand and appreciate the TRUTH–   if i’m His,  i’m never alone.

every time i’ve stepped foot on the trail–  He’s been there.

i’ve shared moments with Him these past weeks that have made me KNOW He is real.  through solitude and pain–  He prepared my heart and my eyes to see Him more and more clearly.

and, only after i had time to get closer to Him–  did He answer my prayer.

He brought me a new ‘skillet that runs my speed,  stays at my tempo, and matches my stride.   just like God’s timing– it’s a perfect fit.

AND I LOVE HIM FOR THAT! (throwing up God-lovin’ *spirit sprinkles*)

i believe He waited to bring this sweet, slow-paced skillet into the mix for HIS GLORY.

i see this new ‘skillet as a gift — like He’s  saying,  “i see you.  i love you.  and i am here with you.”

here’s the thing.

if this homeskillet had joined us at the beginning of our training session– i would have appreciated her.  i would have been grateful for a new friend.  grateful for a running partner.  grateful for someone to make the mornings easier for me.

but, where’s God in that scenario?

well.  of course, He’s still there– i just would have been too blind and too focused on myself to see Him.  to appreciate Him.  to love Him for loving me.

having this blessing of a girl join our group after the devastating run i had last week makes me appreciate and love God more.

with each new day and with each new challenge i understand and BELIEVE:

He wants to help me through the rough spots.

He wants to give me strength.

He wants to heal my hurts.

He’s just waiting for me.

and, step by step.

at a slow-‘skillet pace– i know i’m getting closer to Him.

waiting for me...
silly bites, soul full bites

good days and bad days

who is the ant? I AM THE ANT.

this week’s long run bullied me.  it kicked me down, spat in my face, slammed my name all over the place.  the 8 mile run took my lunch money and made me cry like a girl.  just like a bully– it lured me into a false sense of security before it lowered the boom.

i had a great front half and was feeling kinda special.  i stayed with my homeskillets for most of the first 4 miles and saw my regular bunch of characters while i was running.

can't look.....

the nearly nude was on the trail–  and he had a friend (who was also rocking the man boobs).  i want to say, “bravo to them”–  for being secure enough to run shirtless.  but, i have to confess– my eyes don’t know where to look and i get very uncomfortable.   so, the holla-fest running squad does not give shout-outs to nearly nudes.  (clearly–  i have issues with nudity i need to address)

i also saw my very favorite couple on the trail.  they hold hands and walk at a very leisurely pace, but they’re all decked out in sports gear–  like any minute may be THE MINUTE to start running.   they smile and raise the roof right back at me every time i see them.  they make me smile.

and, i made contact with one group of runners i’ve been encouraging for a while.   we gave each other hollas and fist pumps– and, as they passed me, the lead runner asked, “what IS your name?”

so.  i was feeling PRETTY GOOD as i entered in to mile 5.  i was super-sassy– throwing out little dance moves while listening to “body movin” by the beastie boys.  then it turned ugly.

holy cow!!!

my body started actin’ a fool–  my right knee started grumbling .   each step brought a stabbing pain– and, it stopped me cold (bright side– i think i’ve finally conquered the blisters) .

the 8 mile “run”  became a tough reminder–  life’s highs can be quickly followed by lows.

and just like in life– with the pain comes unavoidable truth.

i was gonna have a loooooong walk back to the car.

key to life

since choosing to run–  the word “choice” has been bouncing around in my head– during the 3 mile limp home, the word kept gnawing at me.

i choose to get up and meet my wonderful homeskillet.  i choose to face the long run.  i choose to finish the goal– a half marathon.

WHY??  WHY??  WHY??

this is not easy.  this is not fun.  all i’ll get at the end is a t-shirt.

so, why do i choose to drag myself out of bed to face a pain fest?

because there’s freedom in choice.  there’s direction in choice.  there’s consequence in choice.  this makes me think of the boo bah.

her choice has cut her freedom,  forced her into a certain direction– she’s facing the consequences of one choice.  i REALLY miss my sister.

for those who don’t know– my sweet sister is serving a 2 year prison sentence for a drunk driving accident she caused last september. thankfully, no one was killed– but she and the two people in the other vehicle (amanda and matthew) sustained serious injuries.

i think about erin, amanda, and matthew a lot on saturday mornings.  i’m so grateful God spared all three of them and allowed all of the families more time to love them and just be with them.

i think about how her choice to drive drunk changed them all for the rest of their lives.  i think about how i just want to hang out with boo bah and give her a big hug. i think about how life is a mash-up of one mess right after another–   and moments of rest, peace, and joy are true gifts not to be taken lightly.

go directly to jail-- do not collect $200

i also think about how EVERY song on my mp3 player reminds me of prison some how. there’s kelly clarkson’s “break away” — might as well be singin’ about a prison break,  christina aguilera’s “genie in a bottle” — just re-title that one “boobah in a jail cell”, and rod stewart’s mega-hit “if you think i’m sexy”– well,  let’s face it– rod should have been incarcerated for that skintight body suit he sported in the late ’70’s.  that look makes the nearly nudes seem prudish.

my mind is a weird place, peeps. but boo bah would understand.

because boo bah made a bad choice–  i’m left missing her, praying for her, and looking toward the day we’ll be back together to share our strange view of the world.


these are heavy thoughts to have early in the morning time.

before coffee.

this saturday morning–  the combination of missing erin and the job of running 8 miles became too much.


i hit an emotional wall.

the pain, the sadness,  plus the walk– made me a little cranky.

SURPRISE! i get cranky.

in fact– i battled crankiness for 3 miles.

but,  i still tried to give an encouraging word to the other runners on the trail.

i threw out REALLY LAME ooo OOO’s and some SAD hollas.

it was easier to not dwell on the pain, on the sadness–   when i focused on others.

i think when the trail gets hard i have yet another choice to make.   i can choose to let the crankanoodle attitude take hold or i can deny it access to my heart and mind–  my thoughts, my day, my life.

am i sad?  yes.  do i hurt?  yes.

will i let the cranky change me?


my HOPE won’t let it.

i wish i could say i finished the run strong–  that the decision to NOT be cranky was enough to fuel a super-strong moment of triumph.   and, God pulled out a miracle–  filling the air with music from chariots of fire as a show of support.

that didn’t happen.

instead, i rounded the bend– to see three of the most supportive ‘skillets i know– cheering me on as i limped towards the finish.


the closer i got– the more emotional i became.

in short– i was limping, whimpering, and my face was in the ugly cry.

those sweet ‘skillets met me with water, aspirin, and offered a piggyback ride.

no judgment.  just grace and support.

when it was all done– my super-fit homeskillet said, “there are good days and bad days on the trail”.

how true.  how true.

silly bites

just lucky to be here

i had a great run this saturday!  i completed 4 miles without stopping.

hey hey! new peeps!


before i get to the juicy details– i have to give a shout out to a few new peeps that joined our ranks– there  are now 7 bottoms bouncing in front of me instead of 4!

surprise, surprise– we gained a fella.  i think he’s brave to be around sweaty, tired women– voluntarily.

yeah, that is disgustin'

to give him mad props–  i think i’ll dub him “the ladies man” (i will use my best tim meadows voice to add “flava”).  i’m sure he’ll be completely fine with this.

okay.  down to business.

first off– i thought we were running 7 miles– so i got all “mentally prepared” for a beat-down.  IMAGINE my dizzy excitement when i realized i was only required to move my feet in a forward motion for 4 miles!  WOOT WOOT.

i honestly had no idea until i saw my homeskillets heading TOWARD me after they hit the 2 mile mark, turned around, and encouraged me with words like, “keep going!  you’re almost half-way there!” BIG BABY

i  was running a 5 minute pace behind my ‘skillets and not able to form words.   i was concentrating on more important, life-saving skills–  like breathing and staying in an up-right position.

my first thought was,  “i am REALLY movin’ snail-style– they are TOTALLY faster than me.”  but, my second thought was much less wahm-bulance material– when i realized i only had to run to the 2 mile marker.


seriously, my runner-brain can turn on a dime.  i think it’s the heavy-breathing and smell of sweat that makes me a little not right.

OH!  and, speaking of  “not right”– we went to a new trail head this weekend which provided me with new scenery and a new character to profile.  both were life changing and made me realize just how lucky i am to be alive.

so.  we set off on a new path.  and i’m thinking, “new is good.  new is fresh.  new will keep me less focused on the possible pain.  this. will. be. great.”— that thought lasted for about a minute and 48 seconds.

huge chasm of IT

that’s the moment we had to run UNDER an overpass.

let me paint a picture of the scariest place i could ever find myself–  long, narrow tunnel.  shifty lighting.  perfect 90 degree drop-off– into a creek on one side and DRAINAGE HOLES IN THE WALL on the other.

if my active imagination (and my interpretation of stephen king) is correct– this is an  IT dwelling place.

that’s right– i had to RUN through an IT tunnel.

thankfully, i was still in the middle of the pack at this time–  and, i’m not ashamed to admit i made sure there was a skillet on each side of me to buffer an  IT attack.  (and, by the by– NO ONE seemed aware they were in mortal danger–  which just increased my anxiety)

i made it out of the tunnel.  alive by the skin of my teeth.  my ‘skillets pushed past me (darn gradual incline gets me every time) and ran ahead–  leaving me to count my lucky stars all by my lonesome.

that’s when i encounter the shiftiest dude on the planet.

I can only describe this guy as a walking sketch-artist-rendering of a “mid-twenties, white male that has been spotted in the area and wanted for questioning.”


shift-y Mc shift-erton's eyewear

dude was wearing a mesh trucker hat covering every speck of hair follicle he had, mirrored sunglasses, a cheesy ‘stache that looked like a 7th grader had grown it, and (here’s the kicker) a short-sleeved button-down shirt.

as soon as i passed him i started scoping the area for a kidnapper van.  THEN i started thinking– i’m the weakest link!  he’ll come after me for sure!

i didn’t calm down until an asian man passed me heading in the direction of the weird perp (thoughts of mr. miyagi and jackie chan popped into my head– and i figured he’d take that freak OUT if need be).

after two brushes with death–  in less than an hour–  i ran to the 2 mile marker without stopping.


turned around.


and made it back to the tunnel of death– by myself this time.  i HAD to go in.  i HAD to run through it.  i totally DID’T want to–  especially when i realized there was no ‘skillet sandwich  to save me.  i approached the mouth of the scariest place on earth, and suddenly became super-duper flo jo— up in the murf! everything got blurry.

that’s the fastest i’ve EVER run in my life.

i achieved a huge personal best this weekend– 4 miles without stopping.


the achievement was nice, but after picturing my demise–

not once. not twice. but, three times.

i just feel really lucky to be here.

silly bites

runner’s rush

so.   yeah.

uhmmmmmmmm…  seven miles this past saturday.

yeah.  about that.

i’ve been debating how much to share about my awesome experience this saturday.  i’ve finally decided i’m gonna tell it all–  no hiding.  i warn you all– it was not pretty and down-right gut wrenching.

here.  we.  go.

the morning started out with a lot of prep time–  for me, this run was serious business.  i looked  at it as my “gateway run”.   in my mind there are 2 groups of runners–  the “leisurely jogging for no reason in particular” crowd  and the “i’ve gotten a taste of the endorphin rush and it’s AWESOME” crowd.  the first group can stop at any time–  running isn’t a big part of their life and they really don’t see what all the fuss is about.

yay for euphoria!

the other crowd has had a hit of the good stuff– endorphins– and there’s no going back.  this crowd has gotten over the hump of the first real “hard” run and reaped the benefits of the runner’s rush.  this crowd can talk themselves into any distance because they know the beauty of endorphins.  (this is how i explain the insanity that is marathon running– because signing up willingly to run 26.2 miles is not sane behavior.  at. all.)

so, for me  seven miles was the gateway mileage to see if i could be hardcore— and,  i was gonna prepare for ultimate success.

smoke monster

i first prepped the feet.  blisters were not going to take me down.  i had been told moisture was the enemy– and talcum powder was the key.  but, i took it one step further and bought MEDICATED foot powder.  that’s right– menthol in my socks.  seemed smart at the time of purchase.  i filled my shoes and my socks with so much powder i produced a little puff of smoke with each step.  (this. was. awesome. — it was like walking around with my own personal smoke machine.  i started singing a groovy theme song to round out the show)

next came the tunes.  i was not gonna be taken down by bad music– or, the annoying, bouncing wire that runs from my ear buds to my mp3 player.

taken down by a baby... ha!

that wire has been my nemesis from day one.  i’ve had it bouncing in the front– only to pull on it with my wildly swinging arms while attempting to beat tiny humans riding in strollers.

this resulted in flying earbuds and other failures i’d rather not discuss.

i’ve also tried the bouncing wire in the back– which just felt like some one trying to get my attention by tapping me on the back for an hour.  (very. not. pleasant.)  i decided the plan of attack for my hardcore run would be an under-the-shirt, behind-the-back method with music that would be just hyper enough to keep me distracted from the pain i was sure to feel.

finally i gathered my water bottle (i learned to open it.  holla) and some freaky jelly beans my wonderful homeskillet said i needed to chew at about 45 minutes into the run.  this sounded weird and hardcore–  which made me think, “wooooo hooooo!”–  i am ready for the run that is gonna bump me up to “awesome”.

i start running, and everything goes great.

i pass a baby-mama with a stroller, a girl on a scooter, and an old man walking a dog.


oh. no.

then,  about 2 1/2 miles into the run something happened i hope NEVER happens again.  my stomach begins to rumble–  in an uncomfortable manner that means something serious is going on in my belly.

i continue to run.


i take in my surroundings– trees on one side, creek on the other.


this is not good.

i see my skillets up ahead, but they’re too far away to hear me if i yell.  i can’t go forward.  i have to turn back.  i try running back, but my stomach continues to get worse and worse– at one point i get  shivers and beads of sweat on my upper lip.  and in my ear i hear outkast singing, “heeeeey yay yah, HEY yah.”–  this is now THE most annoying song on the planet, and it actually makes the pain worse.

totally did this

in the meantime my feet are tingling more and more as the sweat from the run triggers the menthol powder.   i am trying to make it out with my dignity in tact– with pasty, tingling feet throwing up puffs of smoke while my stomach screams louder and louder with no relief in sight.  (yeah, i’m awesome and hardcore)

this is when i dub the 2 1/2 mile struggle back to my car–  the trail of  fear.

i was in trouble–  and, i prayed the entire way– please LORD do NOT let this happen in front of that baby. (insert diaper joke here)

i survived the trail of fear–  only to face a sick and twisted plot that involved every person in the world being on the road and driving as slow as humanly possible the entire 5 mile stretch to my front door.

seriously!!!! arrrrrrggghhhh!

the drive almost did me in– i felt pain i have not experienced since delivering thing 1 and thing 2.

and, just when i thought it couldn’t get any more traumatic and distressing–  i experienced an all-new level of discomfort when  i had to slow down for SPEED BUMPS—  at this point i scream, “KILL ME NOW!”

surprisingly, i did not die.

i made it home,  ran inside– and that’s when my hardcore prep foiled me for the last time–  i’ll just say my strategic under-the-shirt, behind-the-back placement was not the best arrangement for my immediate needs.

if i had to sum up this experience–i’d have to say it was totally not how i imagined my first “runner’s rush”.

i admit at times i did feel a rush of something– but i’m pretty sure it wasn’t endorphins.

silly bites

great run!

this morning was the best run EVER!!

today i beat that baby comin’ and goin’.  yeah i did! of course, i handled the moment with great dignity and maturity–uhhhhhh NOT.  as soon as i passed the tiny slow poke i yelled at the top of my lungs, “i beat the baby! i beat the baby!  he just got skooled!!!!”

i rocked the fist pump

(i cannot confirm nor deny a round of fist pumping)

ahhhhh.  victory is sah-weeeeeet.

this journey has been tough–  in the words of the great aguilera, “after all you put me through… you’d think i’d despise you… hmmm… but i wanna say thank you, baby, for makin’ me a fighter.”

i couldn’t have left that baby momma and her jogging stroller in the dust all by myself.  so, forgive me if i take a moment to say, “HOLLA!!”

  • i wanna thank my amazing homeskillet for believing in me–  and, for forcing me out of bed in the early morn to run in a huge circular pattern.
  • i wanna thank my visor for keeping the sweat out of my eyeballs– cause sweat makes your eyes burn like a murf!
  • i wanna thank marty casey, nelly, and outkast for providing amazing tunage that kept me movin’.  (at one point– i was shakin’ it like a polaroid picture.   i’m sure anyone running by me at this time thought i was having some kinda fit– not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
  • i wanna thank the iron skillet for showing me how to extract liquid from my super-awesome, high-tech water bottle.  (last week i almost gave myself a brain aneurysm by sucking on a closed container as hard as i could–  i got nothin’ out of it but a headache.  word.)
  • lastly, i wanna thank that turtle of a baby for makin’ me a little bit faster.

if this had been all i’d experienced this morning on my 6 mile trek i would have been a happy ‘skillet.  but, God gave me one more treat–  one more running oddity to share.  i saw with my very own eyes– a swest super cyclist.

that’s right.  i saw a large man held up on two, thin tires moving at a rapid, weight-loss speed wearing a bike helmet, elbow pads, and a sweater vest.

two words.

pure. awesomeness.

i've got a GREAT cheer section!

i love that the Lord is in this with me.  I believe He keeps putting these “special” people in my path to encourage me during the painful parts.   i KNOW He’s cheering me on every step of the way– and, i believe we’re having a great run so far!

NOTE:  even with this success– i am still a complete mess.  my running technique is a sad combination of jerky movements and labored breathing.