pretty bites, soul full bites, sweet bites

simple is good

simple snow dude

it’s been snowing a bit today.

snow makes me happy.


beautiful reminder

watching snowflakes fly through the sky reminds me to focus on simple pleasures, to keep my thoughts light and fluffy, to keep my heart full of hope.

it IS Christmas, after all.

’tis the season, homeskillets!

pretty bites, sweet bites

kinda sad so i thought i’d cheer myself up…

i’m missing my sweet sister today.

so far, the holidays have been sadness speed bumps on the road of  happiness and thanksgiving– but, i’m NOT gonna get knocked around by circumstances that cannot be changed.

i choose to move forward with a hope in the great work God is doing through these hard days.

i choose joy.

so, homeskillets,  i’m gonna cheer myself up–

THIS makes me very happy
pretty bites, sweet bites

true colors

a road worth traveling brings it's fair share bumpsfall is in the air, my sweet homeskillets!!!

fall is my favorite— my birthday is in the fall.  holla! (still looooove presents and a day all about me!)

made perfect through the storm

i believe autumn days are another love letter from God.   the leaves changing colors makes me so happy–  the evolution from hard-working, energy-storing green to pops of red, gold, and orange gives this young (ish) girl hope that just because something is past its prime doesn’t mean the best is over.  maybe, just maybe– God brings out our most beautiful colors after we’ve weathered a few storms.